Speaking and Meditating on THE Truth

This is something that the Lord keeps reteaching me and pressing into my heart lately. It might be the fact that I married my best friend last week, and as a wife I want to create an awesome God honoring marriage where I speak life into Him and encourage Him to seek the Lord and be my leader. It could be the fact that as a wife ( and totally obsessed with children) that I can’t stop thinking about how I want to raise my kids to walk in truth, meditating on it constantly. It could be that I just moved to a new place and feel like it is a fresh start to be known for gospel talk rather than gossip talk. Continue reading “Speaking and Meditating on THE Truth”

5 Ways to Encourage (Camp Devotions #3)

Living in a Christian community like a camp can be difficult. With Jesus as our savior, it really shouldn’t be. However, sin all too often gets in the way. I have been blessed with an amazing group of believers. Here are some ways to make sure we are working together and not hindering each other while serving the Lord together. This list is almost more for me than for you, but I thought I would share!

Continue reading “5 Ways to Encourage (Camp Devotions #3)”